
Adeptus Custodes Legio Custodes Custodian Venatari Squad Forge World


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Fra Forge World:

Vaunted as a high honour among the Legio Custodes, the role of Custodian Venatari is reserved for a scant few – those with proven skill and mastery of the rare, sophisticated flight system and archeotech weapons they wield. The Venatari are specialists in hunting direct threats to the Emperor amidst the sprawl of the Palace walls and its spire-tops. While shield companies patrol the vast hallways and cavernous rooms of the Imperial Palace, the Venatari are elevated above, making their domain among the rooftops and spires, overseeing and assessing the threat of all who enter or leave. Their predatory instincts have earned the Venatari the nickname of ‘the Emperor’s Hunting Eagles’, standing as immobile and vigilant as the birds of prey of Old Earth atop the mountain peaks before swooping into a killing dive.

The Legio Custodes Custodian Venetari Squad includes three complete miniatures, each cast in finest-quality resin. Each Custodian Venatari may be equipped with a Venatari lance or an archeotech kinetic destroyer and Tarsus buckler, and the set includes the components to assemble all three miniatures with either weapon option.





Games Workshop

Warhammer Faksjon

Warhammer Rolle


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