Viser 3817–3840 av 4073 resultater

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Warhammer 40K Space Marine Jump Pack Intercessors


Key Features

  • A fast-moving airborne assault squad for your Space Marine army
  • Builds five Jump Pack Intercessors with chainswords and heavy bolt pistols
  • Leap over obstacles and enemies to strike where the foe is vulnerable
390kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marine Librarian in Terminator Armour


Key Features

  • A heavily-armoured psyker to support your Space Marines army
  • Armed with a storm bolter, a lethal force weapon, and terrifying psychic might
  • Guards your Terminators against enemy witchcraft with the aid of a psychic hood
270kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marine Primaris Techmarine


Key Features

  • An HQ choice available to the Space Marines
  • Armed with a devastating variety of weaponry
  • Can repair tanks and war machines in battle
280kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marine Sternguard Veteran Squad


Key Features

  • Experienced sharpshooters offer focused fire support to your Space Marines
  • Five Sternguard Veterans wielding a variety of devastating ranged weapons
  • Customise your decorated warriors with loads of accessories and options
410kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marine Terminator Squad


Key Features

  • Heavily-armoured veterans to take on any enemy facing a Space Marines army
  • Five Terminators lay down storm bolter fire and crush foes with mighty fists
  • Blast or burn with an assault cannon, heavy flamer, or cyclone launcher
440kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Bladeguard Veterans

Key Features

  • An Elite choice available for the Space Marines
  • Masters of close combat fighting
  • Slice your way through the enemies of the Emperor
390kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Heavy Intercessors


Key Features

  • A Troops choice available for the Space Marines
  • Armed with a variety of heavy bolt rifles and heavy bolters
  • An excellent unit for holding objectives
440kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40k Space Marines Infernus Marines + Paint set


Key Features

  • A perfect start to your Space Marines collection
  • Three push-fit models, six paints, and a starter brush
  • Features moulded squad markings and Ultramarines iconography
250kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Primaris Aggressors

Key Features

  • A Heavy Support choice available for the Space Marines
  • Unleash ranged devastation on your enemies
  • Melt anything that stands in your way
390kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40k Space Marines Primaris Ancient

Key Features

  • An Elites choice for your Space Marine army
  • An experienced warrior who inspires his fellow Space Marines
  • Build helmeted or bare-headed, with a choice of banners and either a bolt rifle or power sword
280kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Primaris Chaplain On Bike

Key Features

  • An HQ choice available to the Space Marines
  • Mounted on a bike for added speed and manoeuvrability
  • Able to bellow Litanies of Battle to inspire his fellow warriors
360kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Primaris Eradicators

Key Features

  • A Heavy Support choice available for the Space Marines
  • Unleash ranged devastation on your enemies
  • Melt anything that stands in your way
390kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Primaris Firestrike Servo-Turret


Key Features

  • A Heavy Support choice available to the Space Marines
  • Bring some heavy fire support and an area-denial threat to your army
  • Can be armed with a twin las-talon or twin accelerator autocannon
250kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Primaris Hellblasters

Key Features

  • A Heavy Support choice available for the Space Marines
  • Unleash ranged devastation on your enemies
  • Melt anything that stands in your way
410kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Primaris Infiltrators

Key Features

  • Ten stealthy battleline warriors for your Space Marines army
  • Can be built as Infiltrators or Incursors
  • Includes a host of customisation options and additional parts


410kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40k Space Marines Primaris Intercessors

Dette settet kan settes sammen som enten et 10-mans lag, ett lag med 9 intercessors og en sersjant eller to separate 5-mans lag.

Det følger også med masse ekstrautstyr som pistolhylster, ammunisjons- og granatlommer og kniver.

410kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Primaris Invader ATV

Key Features

  • A Fast Attack choice available to the Space Marines
  • Fire support on the move!
  • Can be armed with an onslaught gatling cannon or multi-melta


330kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Primaris Repulsor Executioner


Key Features

  • A well-armoured, front-line battle tank for the Space Marines armed with a devastating, turret-mounted primary weapon
  • A Heavy Support choice capable of firing its primary weapon twice a turn
  • Able to transport up to 6 Primaris Space Marines (or 3 Gravis-armoured infantry)
745kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40k Space Marines Razorback

Key Features

  • Drive your troops across the battlefield…
  • …while also unleashing devastating firepower
  • Can also be assembled as the iconic Rhino
360kr Kjøp

Warhammer 40K Space Marines Storm Speeder

Key Features

  • A fast-moving war machine for your Space Marines
  • Designed to devastate lightly armoured infantry
  • Can instead be built as a Hammerstrike or Thunderstrike
500kr Kjøp