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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Brood Terror

Fra Warhammer:

  • A horrifying Skaven brute to crash through your enemy’s front lines
  • Literally combines a Master Moulder with one of their largest, most destructive creations
  • Roast your foes with warpflame, then finish them off with blades, chains, claws, and teeth
530kr Kjøp

Warhammer AoS Blood Knights

Key Features

  • Fast, heavy-hitting elite vampire cavalry
  • Able to restore their health in combat
  • Battleline in Kastelai Dynasty armies
530kr Kjøp

Warhammer AOS Stormcast Eternals Vigilors

Key Features

10 ranged scouts for the Stormcast Eternals – enough for two standard units or one reinforced unit
Battleline when paired with a Knight-Judicator general
Mark out enemies with volleys of lightning-wreathed arrows

500kr Kjøp

Age of Sigmar Seraphon Raptadon Hunters


Key Features

  • Highly mobile spear-throwing skink cavalry for your Seraphon army
  • Builds five Raptadon Hunters armed with starstone atlatls
  • Can alternatively be built as Raptadon Chargers
500kr Kjøp

Sylvaneth: Spiterider Lancers

Key Features

  • Swift flying cavalry for your Sylvaneth army
  • Overflow with life force to regenerate even the most grievous wounds
  • Strike first with a charge of deadly lances

500kr Kjøp

Warhammer AOS Stormcast Eternals Vanquishers

Key Features

  • Expert, greatsword-wielding warriors who can cut through swathes of opponents
  • 10 miniatures – enough to build two Battleline units or a single reinforced one
  • A choice of bare heads and helmets for every miniature, and options to build a unit champion, musician, and standard-bearer
500kr Kjøp

Age of Sigmar Orruk Ardboys


Key Features

  • Brutal frontline Ironjawz fighters for your Orruk Warclans army
  • Builds 10 Orruk Ardboys, armed with either choppas or stikkas
  • Customise your armoured mob using different heads, weapons, and shields
465kr Kjøp

Age of Sigmar Seraphon Kroxigor


Key Features

  • Hulking, thick-scaled brutes that crush foes en-masse for Seraphon armies
  • Builds three Kroxigor with spiked mauls and loads of cosmetic options
  • Can alternatively be built as Kroxigor Warspawned
465kr Kjøp

Age of Sigmar Seraphon Aggradon Lancers


Key Features

  • Fast and ferocious mounted warriors for your Seraphon army
  • Builds three Aggradon Lancers, armed with celestite spears or clubs
  • Customise both riders and steeds with loads of cosmetic and command options
465kr Kjøp

Sylvaneth: Gossamid Archers

Key Features

  • Elite airborne archers for Sylvaneth armies
  • Soar across the battlefield on buzzing wings to evade the enemy
  • Living arrowheads burrow into foes before bursting out to inflict horrific damage
465kr Kjøp

Melusai Blood Sisters

Denne boksen kan også bygges som Melusai Blood Stalkers.


Key Features

  • Elite ground assault troops of the war covens
  • Armed with heartshard glaives, clad in fearsome masks
  • Kit can optionally build 5 Melusai Blood Stalkers
465kr Kjøp

Warhammer AoS Deathrattle Skeletons

Key Features

  • A Battleline unit for Soulblight Gravelords armies
  • Able to return after death to fight once more
  • Contains 20 miniatures, enough to build two units or one large formation
465kr Kjøp

Warhammer AOS Vanari Auralan Wardens

Key Features

  • Ideal for holding objectives
  • Includes interchangeable shields and helms
  • Option to build a High Warden


465kr Kjøp

Warhammer AOS Vanari Auralan Sentinels

Key Features

  • Slay enemies wherever they hide
  • Includes interchangeable heads, quivers and more
  • Option to build a High Sentinel
465kr Kjøp

Warhammer AOS Gloomspite Gitz Rockgut Troggoths


Key Features

  • Go toe to toe with even the deadliest enemies
  • Smash enemies up-close or with thrown stones
  • Customise your models with interchangeable arms, optional heads and more.


465kr Kjøp

Warhammer AOS Gloomspite Gitz Squig Hoppers


Key Features

  • Bring death from above with Squig Hoppers…
  • …or charge in with the Boingrot Bounderz
  • Make each model look distinct with a vast array of options for posing and customisation


445kr Kjøp

Age of Sigmar Orruk Warclans Weirdbrute Wrekkaz & Brute Ragerz


Key Features

  • Fearsome Ironjawz berserkers for your Orruk Warclans army
  • Builds three Brute Ragerz, armed with a variety of two-handed weapons
  • Can alternatively be built as Weirdbrute Wrekkaz wearing terrifying masks
445kr Kjøp

Warhammer AOS Orruk Warclans Hobgrot Slittaz

Key Features

  • Malicious skirmishers armed with knives and hand-grenades
  • Can be built with a wealth of options including champions, musicians, and standard bearers
  • Build as two units of 10 or a reinforced unit of 20
445kr Kjøp

Warhammer AOS Stormcast Eternals Annihilators

Key Features

  • 3 awe-inspiring elites wielding weapons forged from meteoric metal
  • Can also be built with single-handed hammers and shields, with a choice of helmeted and unhelmeted heads
  • Battleline in Knights Excelsior armies
445kr Kjøp