
Warhammer AOS Spearhead: Fire and Jade Gaming Pack

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Varenummer: 5011921227075 Kategori: Stikkord:

Fra warhammer-community.com:

Spearhead is the new game mode for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, bringing lightning-fast games rich in tactical depth. This neat box contains everything you need to start playing games of Spearhead with your own collections. You get a sprue with four pieces of terrain and snap-together 3” and 6” range rulers, a double-sided game board with printed objectives covering Aqshy on one side and Ghyran on the other, as well as a Twist Deck for each side, and two identical Battle Tactic decks for each player.

The Battlepack for Spearhead will be available for free, and every faction’s Spearhead rules will be available in their Faction Packs, both in physical and digital editions.





Games Workshop

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