
Warhammer 40k Index Cards: Blood Angels


Fra games-workshop.com:

Key Features

  • 22 cards to help you easily reference the rules for your Blood Angels army, for use with the Index: Space Marines (available separately)
  • Includes datasheets for every unit unique to the Blood Angels Chapter
  • Plus reference cards for Detachment rules, Enhancements, and Stratagems

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Fra games-workshop.com:

The Blood Angels are counted among the most noble of Space Marines, the angelic defenders of Humanity. Yet beneath their beautiful appearance lie dark secrets – the ferocious Red Thirst, and the berserk psychosis known as the Black Rage.

This deck of Index: Blood Angels cards will enhance your games from the moment you start playing the latest edition of Warhammer 40,000, giving you hands-on references to the specific rules for your sub-faction. The deck includes individual datasheets for every unit unique to the Blood Angels and their successor Chapters, detailing their profiles, wargear, options, and special abilities. You’ll also find reference cards for the Sons of Sanguinius Detachment, which includes four Enhancements, six Stratagems, and the Red Thirst rule.

– 18x Blood Angels Datasheet Cards:
Baal Predator
Brother Corbulo
Captain Tycho
Chief Librarian Mephiston
Commander Dante
Death Company Dreadnought
Death Company Intercessors
Death Company Marines
Death Company Marines with Jump Packs
Furioso Dreadnought
Librarian Dreadnought
Sanguinary Guard
Sanguinary Priest
Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack
The Sanguinor
Tycho the Lost

– 1x Gabriel Seth Flesh Tearers Datasheet Card
– 3x Blood Angels Index Cards, detailing the Sons of Sanguinius Detachment

All cards are 190mm x 126mm.

This set is intended to be combined with Index: Space Marines, available separately, for a complete range of units and rules.





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