
The Rose in Darkness (Paperback)


Fra Warhammer:

  • Sister Superior Augusta of the Order of the Bloody Rose returns
  • Follow the fight against an insidious Genestealer Cult and their void-borne puppeteers
  • Written by Danie Ware

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Varenummer: 9781804076293 Kategorier: , Stikkord:

Fra warhammer.com:

An Adepta Sororitas Novel

Sister Superior Augusta of the Order of the Bloody Rose and her squad find themselves battling a Genestealer Cult with its claws under the planet’s skin – and racing to prevent the arrival of a Tyranid Hive Fleet.


See how an Imperial planet venerates the Emperor during a lavish festival. As the celebrations continue around her, follow Sister Augusta as she tries to root out a threat at the edges of society that could consume the entire world.


Opal is a gleaming shrine world of saints and soldiers, beloved of the Emperor Himself. Sent to retrieve the skull of the revered Saint Veres, Sister Superior Augusta of the Order of the Bloody Rose and her squad find themselves in the midst of the capital’s holiest festival, a time of reverence and celebration. But all is not well – despite what its planetary leaders would have Augusta believe, political danger bubbles under the surface, and rebel attacks gnaw away at the city’s outskirts. The greatest threat, however, is yet to come.

As it becomes horrifyingly apparent that a Genestealer Cult has its claws under the planet’s skin, the Sisters realise that can mean only one thing: a hive fleet is on its way to Opal, bringing with it the planet’s doom.

Written by Danie Ware.






Games Workshop

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